Japanese Knife types

Deba Bocho:

The Deba Bocho was designed for mainly filleting fish. The blade of this knife compared to other knives is thicker and heavier to allow for the knife to cut through the bones of fish. This knife can also be used to cut small chicken bones.

*General size 12cm ~ 21cm

Sashimi Bocho:

The Sashimi Bocho is used to finely slice fresh seafood for the purpose of Sashimi. Common blade length for household usage is 21~27cm and unlike the Deba Bocho the blade of the knife is thin up until the tip of the knife. 

Kamausuba Bocho:

Kansai Style Usuba Bocho: If you look at the blade from the side it is virtually rectangular in shape. “Usuba” literally translates into “thin blade” and as per its name this knife has a thin blade making it an ideal knife when pealing and dicing vegetables.

Usuba Bocho:

Kanto Style Usuba Bocho. The Usuba Bocho is a traditional Japanese knife used for vegetables, which most chefs learn to use first.

Fugubiki Bocho:

The Fugubiki Bocho is a specialized knife used for Fugu [Blowfish] sashimi. This knife is made a thinner spine and narrower blade width compared to the Sashimi Bocho. 

Mioroshi Bocho:

The Mioroshi Bocho is a type of Deba Bocho but the blade is slightly thinner and longer and is an all round knife which can be used for dicing to slicing Sashimi. This knife is a blend of the Deba Bocho and Sashimi Bocho.

Gyoto Bocho:

The Guyto is the most common western knife used throughout the world. It can be used to cut meat (boneless), fish (boneless) and vegetable. It is also known as a “French Knife”, “Chef Knife” “Bannou Bocho” as is used as a replacement for a Mitsutoku Bocho.

Sujihiki Bocho:

The Sujihiki Bocho is used for cleaning the sinew from meats and is like a thin Gyuto. Petty Knife:
The Petty knife is used for pealing fruits and vegetables and quite suitable for finer detail work. It is ideal small multipurpose knife, perfect for preparing small garnishes for cocktails and cakes. The Petty knife is know as a Paring Knife in English speaking countries.


The Yo-deba is similar in shape to the Gyutou from the side, but has a thicker blade which can be used to cut beef bones used for soups. The usage of this knife is totally different from that of the Gyutou. (It is heavy and not very good to cut vegetables)

Honesuki Kaku:

Square Shaped(Kanto Style): The Honesuki is used to separate meat from the bone. There are two styles of this knife, the Kanto and Kansai styles. This knife is a unique Japanese style knife similar to the western boning knife, but unlike the boning knife the blade is not flexible. This knife is also know as Sabaki.

Honesuki Maru:

Round Type(Kansai Style)The blade of the Honesuki (Kansai Style) is designed in a round style, but is used in the same manner as the Kanto style Honesuki.

Santoku Bocho:

The Santoku part of the Santoku Bocho stands for Three Virtues or Three Applications: This knife can be used to prepare wide range of ingredients from meats, fish and vegetables. This is commonly used as a household knife and is often as the fist knife type a person buys.

Nakiri Hocho:

The Nakiri Hocho is a knife used to prepare vegetables. However, like the Santoku Bocho this knife is also well suited for household usage. The shape of the knife is a slightly different rectangular shape compared to the Santoku Bocho. The Japanese Usuba Bocho type is a single edged blade, but the Nakiri Hocho is a double edged blade.

Bread Knife:

In order to slice soft bread most of the knives are designed with a serrated or grooved blade. The blade of the knife is made thin in order the slice the bread cleanly.